Welcome to Nca language development project
The Ncà peope constitute the largest group and the first to settle on the current site of Bantè. They form with the Ife people a part of the ancient Yoruba people of Nigeria which carried out the migratory movements of Ilecà and Ilefe origin. So the language of the Ncà peoples, a language derived from the mother language, the Yoruba language is spoken until today by thousands of the Ncà people who mostly live there in Bantè state. With a view to promoting the Ncà language and its socio and cultural realities, the IDAGBSSOKE EDE NCA Association offers itself the service of promoting language in different activities. The Ncà language is a language of the Ncà people in Benin republic, located in the hills department in the state of Bantè. The IDAGBASSOKE EDE ICA association is a non-profit association. She is created since 2019 during a general assembly which brings together all of the Evangelical churches in the town. The association is registered under N°2021/N°0125/MISP/DC/SGM/BAI/SCISA and has its headquarters in Bantè at LAOUROU's house in the Gbegamey district . The association operates in the fields of translation, literacy, impact of the holy scriptures and development community.
Governing body
The council of the IDAGBASSOKE EDE INCA association is composed of twenty-one (21) members elected in General assembly for a mandate of three (03) years renewable for only once and the Office of the Board of Directors is composed of nine (09) members elected by the members of the Council of Administration for a renewable three (03) year mandate for just once.

The members of the concil

Technical team
IDAGBASSOKE EDE INCA has a technical team composed of six (06) members including a trainee advisor in translation, an exegete and four (04) translators

Tecchnical team