0001Serie_Luc 1:1-4 | 0002Serie_Luc 1:5-25 | 0003Serie_Luc00 1:26-38 | 0003Serie_Luc00 1:26-38 | 0005Serie_Luc 1:57-80 | 0006Serie_Luc2:1-21 | 0007Serie_Luc 2:22-40 | 0008Serie_Luc 2:41-52 | 0009Serie_Luc 3:1-22 | 0010Serie_Luc 3:23-38 | 0011Serie_Luc 4:1-13 | 0012Serie_Luc004_Ica_APPROUVE
Exorcisme et guérison à Capernaüm | les premiers disciples | Jésus guérit un homme de la lèpre | Jésus guérie les malades | Jésus est contesté | Jésus, maitre du saba | Jésus choisit les douze Apôtres | Jésus parmi la foule
Jesus heals a servants of an officer army | Jesus return to Naim | Jesus gives a widow chils a live | Jesus and John baptist | A siner woman shows his honor and love to jesus to receive forgivness of her sins | Sower parabole
Jesus teaches about his true family | Jesus stops gale | Jesus delivers a man possesee by many demons | Jesus ressurects Jaurus dauthers and heals many sicks | Jesus sends the twelve apostles | Jesus appears in his glory (district of Gaulanite) | Jesus healed a boy possessed by an evil spirit | Jesus compare his diciples to a children | Jesus send the seventy two disciples